Best option for skin, hair, and nails: Collagen or Biotin?

Best option for skin, hair, and nails: Collagen or Biotin?

Collagen is a protein and a component of connective tissue in the body, while biotin is a vitamin.

Your body produces collagen naturally, but supplements were created to help improve skin elasticity, promote joint health, build muscle, burn fat, and more. By contrast, biotin is a B vitamin. It is an essential nutrient, but one the body cannot make itself. A person has to get it from food or supplements, so Herbify company decided to create a Biotin and Collagen Vitamins Complex which is much easier to take and brings all the benefits together. Many people take collagen and biotin as supplements to improve skin, support hair growth, and nail health. 

One of the key signs of biotin deficiency is hair loss. Supplementing with biotin may not only support a healthy look of hair, but also work to help regrow hair.

Biotin is also responsible for nail strength. It promotes healthy cell growth and aids in the metabolism of protein-building amino acids, which are essential for nail growth and strengthen your brittle fingernails.

The beneficial side of collagen is skin health and joint support. Taking our supplements may boost collagen levels in your skin, and improve skin, elasticity and hydration, showing anti-aging effects. Collagen vitamin is a protective cushioning between joints, it has anti-inflammation support, provides pain relief, and improves function in the hands, knees, and hips.

There is no evidence that taking biotin and collagen together is unsafe. For people who want to improve the health of their skin and hair, taking this vitamin complex may be a good option.